Friday 6 May 2011


Electrical epilation is the removal of hair by the use of an electrical current, we then have within this:

Electrolysis – Conduction of electricity by an electrolyte especially to introduce chemical change; the destruction of living tissue such as hair roots by the use of an electrical current.

Thermolysis – the destruction of tissue by the heating effect caused by the agitation of molecules in surrounding tissue where a High Frequency current has been applied.

The currents that can be used when performing epilation are High Frequency (Short Wave Diathermy) and Galvanic.

High Frequency

High Frequency is an alternating current oscillating at millions of cycles per second. The frequencies are measured in MHz (milli hertz) and the higher the frequency the more comfortable the sensation. The destructive force is heat by coagulation or cauterisation. High Frequency used for hair removed is by far the quicker of the two methods. The current is introduced into the follicle via a needle, which is carefully chosen for size. During the application of the current the needle itself doesn’t get hot but the moisture of the tissues does. A heating pattern occurs with the concentration of the heat at the tip of the needle causing the destruction of tissue in the lower follicle.


Galvanic is a direct current and when applied to a moist follicle chemical changes take place. The destructive force is a chemical (Sodium Hydroxide). Galvanic used for hair removal is a very good method, but the application is slow and tedious for both the therapist and the client, as it can take anything up to 1-2 minutes to remove a hair.

Both forms of epilation are of course effective but it was noted previously that when using a galvanic current permanent destruction of hair growth was obtained quicker than with high frequency, but the timing was just not acceptable.  A pioneer of his time, Henri St Pierre was unhappy with high frequency alone because of its percentage of regrowth and galvanic alone because of its time of application so his efforts to improve the treatment brought about the Blend.


It is the simultaneous flow of both High Frequency and Galvanic current down the needle, each retaining their own properties, in order to remove unwanted hair.

The High Frequency is the warming element and the Galvanic is the chemical distructive force, because it was found that if the area had warmth the chemical Sodium Hydroxide (lye) was produced quicker. Also the surrounding area became more porous allowing the lye to be absorbed quicker in the area and allowed it to stay around after the removal of the hair to carry on its destructive force. This method is faster than electrolysis (Galvanic) but slower than thermolysis (High Frequency) and requires approximately 75% less time to provide the same degree of destruction, as Galvanic alone.

Benefits of Thermolysis

  • Shorter application time
  • More hairs removed in one session

Benefits of Blend

  • Shorter application time of the Galvanic current
  • More comfortable
  • Very good for curved follicles

For more information on our selection of Epilation Machines, please visit our website at;


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